Hi, I’m Tom.


I’ve always been fascinated by communication – all kinds of communication.

What I’ve learned is, it’s not always just about transferring information. It’s also about, well, engaging people, making a connection, and drawing them in so they stick around long enough to consider what you have to say.

That’s especially an issue in these days of information and media overload. How do even good companies with good products manage to break through all the noise?

To answer this question, I began an experiment. I started observing myself absorbing media – all kinds of media. When I landed on a website, I carefully noticed where my eye went, what drew me in, what I clicked, what I ignored, and what impressions I was left with.

I learned how important it is for a company to have “one thing” that makes them stand out from their competitors. I learned to focus on the real-world needs of buyers, both spoken and unspoken, and present the company’s solutions in those terms. And I learned how to present web content so it quickly grabs attention of people with short attention spans (everyone, these days).

And most of all, I learned that worn-out marketing phrases and superficial boasts simply don’t work anymore. When the interaction results in a disconnect instead of a meaningful connection, opportunity floats away.

Then as a copywriter, I started applying the strategies I had learned from all that observing. Whenever I worked on a seller’s website, I mentally put on my buyer’s hat.

At the end of the project, a good number of my business clients told me they now had a deeper sense of their own company’s strengths and solutions in the real world.

I also began sharing those insights in the classes and conference talks I’ve given to designers, writers, and other marketing and business professionals.

I’m as fascinated by communication as ever. And I’m grateful for the chance to help sellers find their voice, and buyers find their perfect solution.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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Here I am with my collection of ‘technology artifacts’ – media and communications devices from the late 1800s and early 1900s.



Educational Presentations I’ve Given at Meetups and Conferences:


Optimized for Humans

Search Engine Optimization can help your website get noticed, but naturally search engines don’t make purchase decisions; humans do. By exploring how to appeal to the eye, the mind and the heart, we can utilize what we know about targeted buyers to draw their attention, make an engaging connection, and overcome any resistance. 


Awesome Images on Your Website

When a visitor lands on your website, the first thing they notice are the images. Are they strong compelling visuals that draw buyers closer; or are they … just o.k.? This session looks at a slew of before-and-after examples that clarify what we can do to improve the visual appeal and visceral impact of pictures on the web. 


Smart Writing for Business Websites

The visual design of a website is only half the job. The other half is the writing, which can attract and and convert visitors if it’s done correctly — or push them away if it’s not. Learn why good marketing copy is just as much about the customer as it is about the company. Not a writer? Get tips for working with pro copywriters. 


The Art of Content Presentation

With the glut of information and competitors online, how will you engage busy buyers with short attention spans? Two ways: by using design to draw folks into the key messages on your site; and by crafting those messages to make a genuine connection. The trick is to approach things from the buyer’s perspective instead of the seller’s perspective.