What Marketers Need to Know About the 3 Types of Searchers

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I

Before we start, let’s take a step back and marvel at the unprecedented power and convenience conveyed to us by online search. Although the tech is not flawless, the ability to satisfy our curiosity about literally anything is literally at our fingertips. Like most modern miracles, though, we tend to take it for granted, despite our daily dependence on this relatively recent innovation.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the types of searches we do every day, and what that means to the businesses we run or work for.

First, we search for information of all kinds, without the intent or possibility of making any kind of purchase. Typically, there’s not much here for marketers to focus on.

Second, we search to make a purchase. Generally at this point, we’ve already completed the research, comparison, and decision phases of the buying cycle. We’re looking for a seller who offers just what we want, at just the right price, and, well, with free shipping if possible. Sellers are smart to optimize their sites to specifically attract this transactional activity.

Third, we search to find information in preparation for making a purchase. Depending on the cost and importance of what we’re in the market for, this effort, as we know, can suck up a lot of time.

It’s also where marketers should be spending most of their time. It’s their chance to influence the decision before the decision is made, especially in the B2B arena.

Now, blogging typically is, or should be, chiefly informational, and not the place to promote one’s product or service. However, it’s perfectly fine to suggest the smartest, most efficient, or least risky way to approach a given need, problem, or issue. In fact, that’s pretty much what searchers with a need, problem, or issue are looking for.

The response that the blogger/seller is fishing for is “Well, yes, that makes sense.” Mentally voicing that sentiment to themselves signals the buyer’s implicit buy-in. Then, the seller simply has to mention that their product or service is the embodiment of that clearly beneficial, agreed-upon approach. A link then invites the reader to click to find out more, on the product or service web page.

The important thing here is that buyers aren’t being sold to. They are making their own informed decision, and that tends to have more weight than the vague marketing-ish boasts and claims that clutter so many business websites these days.

Clearly conveying a superior approach might also convince some researching do-it-yourselfers that it pays to pay someone else to do it right.

Explaining the wisdom of a certain underlying approach doesn’t have to be limited to the company’s blog. It can also be quite effective in a dedicated “our approach” web page. And also, in briefer form, on home pages and product sell pages.

The marketer also gains credibility and authority by offering intelligent solutions that are thought-through from the buyer’s point of view. How could that not be a competitive advantage?

So as you work on your own company website, remember that not everyone who lands on that site is looking to buy – at least not yet. They’re looking for information; specifically, information that appeals to, and supports, their own self-interest. In the end, sellers who provide that genuinely helpful information are the ones who will reap the rewards. And of course, free shipping never hurts.

Curious how this might work for your business? Let’s talk about it.


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Tom TortoriciAbout the Author:  Tom Tortorici is an Atlanta copywriter and web content writer who helps companies make a genuine connection with their audience. His classes and conference presentations have focused on how writing, strategy and design can work together to grab attention and interest even among readers with short attention spans. In addition to working directly with businesses, Tom regularly partners with web designers and marketing agencies.

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Tom Tortorici Inc. | Tom@TomTortorici.com | 770-934-7861 | 3101 Rockaway Rd | Atlanta GA 30341