It’s typical for designers to roll their eyes when their clients ask to make the logo bigger.
The designer’s resistance is justified if the main goal of the piece is to win a design award. Minimizing logos and brand messages do in fact help create a more pristine look.
But chances are, the business is spending money to promote their brand and get folks to remember it. In which case, marginalizing brand identifyers on the firm’s own website doesn’t make a whole lotta sense.
Still, I come across a lot of business sites where the company name in their logo is barely readable and therefore barely noticeable. It’s not that anyone intentionally means to hide their firm’s identity. For those on the inside, the company name is obvious and assumed – no matter their logo’s readability. For a first time visitor on a hunt, that’s not typically true.
So let’s look at some fairly simple adjustments you can make to ensure that your brand is branded into the brain of buyers who are sifting through their options.
One: Make Your Name Dominate
Draw a box around your logo, with no space between each line and the logo itself. If your company name visually dominates the box, you’re in good shape. If a graphic, symbol or brand mark is dominant, the company name becomes, by default, less noticeable and therefore less memorable.
But all is not lost. Many company logos feature a large graphic with a smaller company name centered under it. Simply create a second ‘horizontal’ version of the logo, with the graphic smaller, generally placed to the left of the name. Now you’ll pass the ‘box test,’ congratulations.
Two: Pull Your Logo Back From the Edge
If you pay attention to your attention when viewing a new website, you’ll notice that your eye lands at the upper left, several inches in from the corner. You’re drawn to the big banner headline and image, without even noticing the logo at the extreme top left corner. As you scan the page, you’re focused on its central area, likely missing elements along the edges.
Well, then, just nudge that logo down, and to the right a bit, and enlarge it. But the truth is, a logo that’s centered in the Header is going to grab the eye better than one hidden away at upper left. If you’ve noticed that my own logo is still stuck in that invisible zone, heck, I don’t expect I’m the only blogger who doesn’t always follow their own advice. Let’s move on, all right?
Three: Tell Me Your Name Again?
Again, we know who we are, but assuming a casual visitor does too is riskier than you think. Yes, it can be a challenge to include the firm’s name in the web content when you’re focused on keyword terms and customer-focused messaging.
Still, find ways to mention that name several times on your Home page. Especially in scan-level text elements, by which I mean prominent headlines, subheads, callouts and testimonials. Pairing your name with positive brand benefits will give even a quick-look visitor something solid to associate you with, as they compare vendors and ponder a decision.
Designers who understand that that’s the whole point will help visitors fall in love with your brand, not just their web design.
Curious about hidden issues on your site that may be driving buyers away?
Insights and ideas like the ones above will be included in your helpful and actionable Website Review. You may have optimized for search engines. Now it’s time to Optimize for Humans.
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About the Author: Tom Tortorici is an Atlanta copywriter and web content writer who helps companies make a genuine connection with their audience. His classes and conference presentations have focused on how writing, strategy and design can work together to grab attention and interest even among readers with short attention spans. In addition to working directly with businesses, Tom regularly partners with web designers and marketing agencies.
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Tom Tortorici Inc. | Tom@TomTortorici.com | 770-934-7861 | 3101 Rockaway Rd | Atlanta GA 30341