Among a growing glut of online content, here are 7 simple ways to draw readers in.
Have you been blogging regularly, to attract and engage more people on your company website? You should be. Wondering why no one seems to be reading or responding to those posts? Again, you should be.
You know that creating fresh, quality content is a lot of work. Let’s ask some questions to figure out why – according to your own analytics – people may be landing on even your best posts, then quickly … bailing.
Each readability issue here is accompanied by a before-and-after example.
1. Is your blog text too wide?
Full-width text is just too intimidating to the eye, which tends to glaze over instead of digging in. A shorter text width makes your writing much more approachable.
2. Is your font size too small?
This is a disturbingly common problem. Pay attention to your own attention online, and you’ll realize that standard small website text is just too easy to ignore.
3. Is your text too tightly spaced?
Lines of text that are too close together are too hard to read. Adding a bit of vertical line-spacing between them is simply friendlier to the eye.
4. Are you omitting section headers?
Paragraph after paragraph of plain text on a digital screen is no fun to read. Bold section headers every few paragraphs draw people in, and can also quickly convey key points.
5. Are you neglecting to write an engaging intro?
Getting folks to jump from a large headline to small text is a bigger ‘ask’ than you may think. A prominent but brief introduction can act as a summary, a teaser, and a ‘bridge’ to the main content.
6. Are you forgetting call-outs?
Readers tend to initially ‘skim’ a web page, to decide whether it’s worth reading. Putting your very best points in colorful call-outs can convince them that it is.
7. Is your call-to-action calling for the wrong thing?
At the end of the post, you want to turn some of those readers into buyers; but a sales pitch here might seem too self-serving. Instead, invite the reader to an introductory conversation about how the post’s ideas might be applied to them, or their own company.
Addressing the 7 questions above can make a world of difference in terms of visitor engagement and response. If you have great ideas to share in your blog, it doesn’t make sense to put barriers in the reader’s way.
If these ideas make sense, but you’d like the input of a web writing professional, it costs nothing for an initial chat. Get in touch.
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About the Author: Tom Tortorici is an Atlanta copywriter and web content writer who helps companies make a genuine connection with their audience. His classes and conference presentations have focused on how writing, strategy and design can work together to grab attention and interest even among readers with short attention spans. In addition to working directly with businesses, Tom regularly partners with web designers and marketing agencies.
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