From We to You: My #1 Copywriting Tip

From We to You: My #1 Copywriting Tip

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    I can always tell when a company website is written by people who work at the company. I can tell because the headlines and text are so often filled with the words ‘we’, ‘our’, and ‘us’. I guess that makes sense, from their...
Why You Need To Tell Your Brand Story – Four Times

Why You Need To Tell Your Brand Story – Four Times

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    There’s a lot you need to convey to your website visitors. They’re more likely to absorb it all if you take a layered approach. You know your company. You know your product. You know your advantages, your process and your intended...
What Should Your Website ‘About’ Page Be About? (Part II)

What Should Your Website ‘About’ Page Be About? (Part II)

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I  Have you read part one of this two-part series? You’ll find it here. Before we continue, let’s talk about what your About page shouldn’t be about: selling your product or service. Visitors click on that About link because they want to...
What Should Your Website ‘About’ Page Be About? (Part I)

What Should Your Website ‘About’ Page Be About? (Part I)

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    It turns out, there are a lot of different ways to approach your website About page. It can depend on what’s important to that company. It can depend on what’s important to its audience. It can also depend on whether the site is for...
What Would Aristotle Think of Your Website

What Would Aristotle Think of Your Website

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Back in ancient Greece, Aristotle offered his students some smart tips about how to persuade their fellow humans. If your modern business website happens to includes his three modes of Classical Rhetoric to help convert your...
Optimizing for Search Engines and Humans Too

Optimizing for Search Engines and Humans Too

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    If you’ve tried to optimize your business website with keywords, you may have noticed that what appeals to Google isn’t always what appeals to flesh-and-blood customers. That’s especially...
Product Benefits vs. Process Benefits: Know the Difference

Product Benefits vs. Process Benefits: Know the Difference

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    In a competitive marketplace, every company naturally wants to you to know why you should buy from them, and not the other guy. Most of what we see and hear on websites, promotional emails, TV commercials, direct mail pieces,...
Don’t Just Make A Claim When You Can Make a Case

Don’t Just Make A Claim When You Can Make a Case

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    If you live on planet earth, chances are you have been bombarded from all angles by weak, unsubstantiated marketing claims. The net effect has been the psychological shell that each of us has grown that I call ‘buyer’s armor.’ Put...
Web Writing And The Amazing Power of Strategic Questions

Web Writing And The Amazing Power of Strategic Questions

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    People, as a whole, don’t like to be told what to do. Do you? Yet web writing on business sites is typically focused on … telling people what to do. Buy now. Click here. Fill out a form. Is there a better approach? Would I be asking...
A Website Writer?  Why Would You Need One of Those?

A Website Writer? Why Would You Need One of Those?

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Why bring in a website writer when you can simply write it yourself? Well, read on. Then you decide. It’s true, no one else knows your company as well as you do. But here’s the thing: people with something to sell tend to write with...