How People Look at Your Website: a Q&A

How People Look at Your Website: a Q&A

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    When people go to one of my web pages, where exactly does their eye first land? It naturally lands at the upper left, but not all the way in the corner. Then where does it go? Left to its own devices, the viewer’s eye moves down and...
Marketing Strategy Begins With This One Crucial Question

Marketing Strategy Begins With This One Crucial Question

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Once you fully understand the question, you’ll wonder how any brand (including your own) could function without addressing it. It’s a query so fundamental that it drives everything that comes after it. There are only two possible...
Copywriting Best Practices: A Better Way to Boast

Copywriting Best Practices: A Better Way to Boast

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Knowing what to do in life often starts with learning what not to do. So maybe an exploration into copywriting best practices should begin with a deeper look into the field’s worst practices. For example, we’re used to...
What Is Quality Content, Anyway?

What Is Quality Content, Anyway?

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Google says they reward websites with ‘quality content’ in their search rankings – in fact it’s supposed to be one of the leading ranking factors these days. Why? Because, well, that’s the kind of content people are drawn to, and...
Approach the Buyer’s Journey From The Buyer’s Point-of-View

Approach the Buyer’s Journey From The Buyer’s Point-of-View

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    Marketers tend to look at the buyer’s journey kind of like behavioral scientists watching mice in a maze. They may learn how to tweak their websites to marginally improve conversion metrics. But this approach tends to objectify...
Be Sure Your Web Images Are Optimized for Humans

Be Sure Your Web Images Are Optimized for Humans

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    I’ve always been fascinated by communication. All kinds of communication. What I’ve learned is, it’s not always just about transferring information. It’s also about, well, engaging people, drawing ‘em in, so they stick around long...
The 7 Buyer Persona Questions You Really Want to Ask

The 7 Buyer Persona Questions You Really Want to Ask

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I      Of course I want to understand who I’m selling to; otherwise how would I know how to sell to them? But when marketing B2B products and services, strategists sometimes ask irrelevant, even pointless, buyer persona questions, while...
Brilliant Websites Start With Smart Discovery Interviews

Brilliant Websites Start With Smart Discovery Interviews

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    It happens: A company loves the design of their new website, yay. Analytics shows that it’s getting traffic, yay. But… it doesn’t seem to be drawing engagement, responses, or leads, boo. Way back when the designer...
What You Absolutely Must  Do Before Writing Web Copy

What You Absolutely Must Do Before Writing Web Copy

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I      More often than not, when someone sits down to write copy for a new website, they open a blank page and start typing. What they don’t seem to realize is that they’re starting with the last step of the process instead of the first...
Copywriting vs. Content Writing: Hey, What’s the Difference?

Copywriting vs. Content Writing: Hey, What’s the Difference?

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I      We tend to use the generic term ‘content’ for all the assets on a website. But understanding the difference between copywriting vs. content writing starts with knowing their different purposes. At its most basic, copywriting is...