B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I How many marketing messages do you come across each day? Some estimates suggest that number is in the thousands. Everybody’s got something to sell, hoping that their message somehow jumps out in front of the rest, snags the buyer’s...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I What does it mean when your microwave starts making sparks, smoke and crackling sounds? Yes well, that’s the universal indicator to cruise over to Target or Lowe’s to see what microwaves are on sale. Once you get past the frustration...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Let’s say you need to write copy for your company’s website or other marketing piece. You’ve opened a fresh Word document, and started typing out whatever you can think of regarding your company, products and services. Simple, right?...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Web designers love to design. It’s their job, it’s their career, it’s their creative passion. What they don’t typically love is figuring out what the words in the website should say. Marketing-savvy designers at least know that the...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I This Thanksgiving, let’s step way back and congratulate our species for the long way it’s come. From, say, picking berries in the woods, to picking out a complete holiday meal kit on our phones for delivery. While the changes wrought by...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Sure, it’s easy to direct a prospect or new client to answer a bunch of questions in an online Input Form. Web designers, copywriters, and other marketing specialists often employ this tool, perhaps, to avoid the effort of having to...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Developing a website or other marketing piece? Everyone has their role. The company CEO or manager provides input (from an insider’s point-of-view). The designer arranges the content elements (from a visual design point-of-view). The...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Everyone’s got problems. We’re always trying to solve something, achieve something, or maintain something – but something else is standing in the way. Overcoming those obstacles, from the trivial ones to the truly threatening ones,...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Every day, somewhere, some company gets a brand-new website. They’ve invested some serious time and money with a web designer, and after some fine-tuning, they’re happy with the result. The company owner is looking forward to all the...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I What I’m talking about here is noticing where your eye goes whenever you land on somebody else’s web page – or really, any piece of marketing media. What captures your attention, making you ‘mentally lean forward’? What’s easy to...