The Psychology of a Sale

The Psychology of a Sale

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I There may be someone, somewhere, sitting at their laptop right now, looking through your website. Perhaps at some point, they move their cursor over the Buy Now button. Their finger presses down on their mouse ever so slightly … and...
The Power of Adjectives in Marketing

The Power of Adjectives in Marketing

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I In case you’ve forgotten your fourth-grade English lessons, adjectives are descriptive words. They’re placed before nouns to add some detail, context and ‘color.’ In marketing communications, using the right adjectives can help...
Making Your Site Reader-Friendly: 8 Before-and-After Examples

Making Your Site Reader-Friendly: 8 Before-and-After Examples

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I Your company’s website probably already seems pretty friendly. To you at least, since it was developed from the input and sensibilities of company insiders like you. The thing is, the actual audience for your website may have a whole...
6 Ways to Hook the ‘Scanning Eye’

6 Ways to Hook the ‘Scanning Eye’

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I When you visit a new website, do you read every word on every page, from top to bottom? Of course not. Nobody does. If you pay attention to your attention online, you’ll find you start out by visually ‘skimming’ the page. What your eye...
Pro Tips to Get the Most Out  of Customer Testimonials

Pro Tips to Get the Most Out of Customer Testimonials

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I Whether you’ve been actually doing it or not, most businesspeople know it’s smart to collect testimonials from happy customers and clients. Using them in your website or other marketing gets other people to help sell your services to...
In Marketing, Be Unique. But Not Too Unique.

In Marketing, Be Unique. But Not Too Unique.

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I With the deluge of marketing messages we come across each day, we’re conditioned to pretty much ignore them all by default. If we stopped to read and consider each one, well, there would be no time for anything else. So how can...
The Amazing Power of Repetition

The Amazing Power of Repetition

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I How many marketing messages do you come across each day? Some estimates suggest that number is in the thousands. Everybody’s got something to sell, hoping that their message somehow jumps out in front of the rest, snags the buyer’s...
Buying What We Need is Different Than Buying What We Want

Buying What We Need is Different Than Buying What We Want

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I    What does it mean when your microwave starts making sparks, smoke and crackling sounds? Yes well, that’s the universal indicator to cruise over to Target or Lowe’s to see what microwaves are on sale. Once you get past the frustration...
The Most Important Step in  Copywriting is Often Left Out

The Most Important Step in Copywriting is Often Left Out

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I Let’s say you need to write copy for your company’s website or other marketing piece. You’ve opened a fresh Word document, and started typing out whatever you can think of regarding your company, products and services. Simple, right?...
Web Design is Easier with A Web Writer on Board

Web Design is Easier with A Web Writer on Board

B Y   T O M   T O R T O R I C I Web designers love to design. It’s their job, it’s their career, it’s their creative passion. What they don’t typically love is figuring out what the words in the website should say. Marketing-savvy designers at least know that the...