B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Want to draw attention online, stand out from competitors, and showcase your particular brand of expertise? Of course you do. Just about all companies have websites, and many have...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I I mean it. Start paying close attention to how you research and make purchases You may often notice a curious disconnect between how we buy and how we (try to) sell. Go figure. For...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I You could hire the best writer to create compelling, conversion-optimized text for your website. But if no one is reading it, then no one is being compelled – or converted. Overall, people don’t read anymore – but you already knew...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I At first, the designer is glad to get a signed agreement for that new website. The client is glad they’re finally getting a new website. The designer is responsible for dozens of steps and details. The client is responsible for one...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Why have brand stories become such a popular marketing approach? Because, I suppose, humans are drawn more to stories than to marketing. Well, they’re drawn to good stories, at least. Stories that make them care – and wonder what’s...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Everyone says we need to blog regularly. Have you tried it? Yes? Have you gotten any traction out of it? No? Well, are you sure you’re writing about the correct topics? So many questions. But if we want to draw potential paying...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Your site can have a thousand bullet points of ‘logical’ product benefits. But if you ignore the rich inner feelings of that buyer staring at their laptop, you may still lose the sale....
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I Initially, this triplet of insights surprised even me. Why? It revealed missed opportunities on so many of the business websites out there. It was as if companies were...
B Y T O M T O R T O R I C I So what are you thankful for? When that question is posed around the Thanksgiving table each year, everyone seems to give the same answer: “For being here to enjoy this great food with friends and family.” It’s good to appreciate...